Song by Mike Slinn

I Love Chocolate

Published 1994-05-01. Last modified 2024-10-01.

This page is part of the songs collection.

© Mike Slinn 1994-05-01. An original composition by Mike Slinn. All rights reserved.

This song was recorded and is probably best played at 140 BPM.

Music Videos

Audio Recordings

2024-12-09: These recordings were made in 2006, before I learned about how chocolate can kill animals. I have since removed that portion of the lyrics, and am working towards producting audio and video of the modified song. Stay tuned!

I redid the bass track of the 2006 recording. Baby steps.

I Love Cholocate_Bass_MIDI.mp3

The 2006 recording.


Recording the two small children’s contributions was quite enjoyable, as you can tell!

The original recording, recorded on the road in 1994, was pretty rough, so I did not post it here.


I love chocolate, yes I do
I love chocolate, and I love you
I love chocolate, yes I do
I’ll share mine with you!

I take chocolate for my lunch
And a piece for the teacher too
She says apples are boring to munch
Chocolate makes her feel brand new

I love chocolate toothpaste
My mom says there's no waste
I love chocolate's great taste
My friends and I eat it face to face

Between Valentine and Hallowe'en
You've got the Easter Bunny too
So if you're very, very good
You can eat chocolate till you're blue

Change Log

2024-10-01 – I edited the lyrics, chopping verses, and moving others. A major change was the deletion of a verse that described feeding chocolate to pets. When I originally wrote the lyrics, I did not know that chocolate was poisonous to many animals.

Chocolate is derived from roasted seeds of the Theobroma cacao tree. The primary toxic principles in chocolate are the methylxanthines theobromine (3,7-dimethylxanthine) and caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine). Theobromine is toxic for cats and dogs and many other animals.

For many dogs, the most common clinical signs are vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst, panting or restlessness, excessive urination, and racing heart rate. In severe cases, symptoms can include cardiac arrhythmias, muscle tremors, and seizures.

Cats are unlikely to want to eat chocolate because they lack the ability to taste sweetness, unlike most other mammals, but you should still keep chocolate out of their reach because they are naturally curious.


You are welcome to perform and record this song at the speed you prefer, and in the key you want.

This is copyrighted material. You can earn passive income by recording and performing this song. As it slowly becomes more popular, what is at first a trickle of royalties grows over time into something that is always providing for you.

Sheet Music & Project Files

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