Published 2024-01-10.
Last modified 2024-12-22.
Time to read: 4 minutes.
creates a scaffold project for a new gem in a new Git repository.
After you add your special code to the gem scaffold,
the project is ready to be released to a public or private gem server.
This gem generates a new working Visual Studio Code project with the following features:
- Compatible with
. Gemfile
files set up.- Generates a README with badges.
- Visual Studio Code project is set up with current Ruby extensions.
- Rubocop configured.
- Shellcheck configured.
- Markdown lint configured.
- Launch configurations set up for testing.
- Can automatically create a public or private Git repository on GitHub for your new gem.
- Creates a test infrastructure based on
. - Your gem can be publicly released to
. - Optionally create the gem as:
- A plain old gem.
- A Jekyll plugin (tag or block tag).
The following features are still in development, so they probably do not work yet:
- Automatically creates Git repositories on BitBucket or Geminabox.
- Creates a test infrastructure based on
. - Your gem can be privately released to a Geminabox gem server.
- Your gem can include a Thor-based executable.
- Optionally create the gem as:
- A Jekyll plugin (filter, generator, or hooks).
- A Rails plugin, possibly with a mountable engine.
$ gem install nugem
If you are using rbenv
to manage Ruby instances, type:
$ rbenv rehash
To update the program:
$ gem update nugem
Subcommands and Options
has 4 subcommands gem
, jekyll
, help
and rails
Currently, only gem
, jekyll
and help
have been properly tested.
help Subcommand
The following lists the available subcommands:
$ nugem help
The following provides detailed help for the specified subcommand:
$ nugem help SUBCOMMAND
Common Options
The gem
, jekyll
and rails
subcommands have common options.
The default option values assume that:
- You do not want an executable for your gem scaffold
- The gem project will be hosted on a public GitHub Git repository
- The gem will be released to
Common options for the gem
, jekyll
and rails
subcommands are:
- add an executable based on Thor.
specifies the Git host; possible values are
. --out_dir
specifies the directory to write the generated gem to.
The default is
. --private
- the remote repository is made private, and on release the gem will be pushed to a private Geminabox server.
- reduces verbosity.
- do not generate
strings in generated code.
Common Behavior
The gem
, jekyll
and rails
subcommands have common behavior.
Gem scaffolds are created within the generated/
directory of the current directory by default.
If your user name is not already stored in your Git global config, you will be asked for your GitHub or BitBucket user name. You will also be asked to enter your GitHub or BitBucket password when the remote repository is created for you.
After you create the gem, edit the gemspec
and change the summary and the description.
Then commit the changes to Git and invoke rake release
and your gem will be published.
gem Subcommand
$ nugem gem NAME [COMMON_OPTIONS] [--test-framework=minitest|rspec]
is the name of the gem to be generated.
The default test framework for the gem
subcommand is rspec
but you can specify minitest
instead like this:
(Warning: this has not been properly tested)
$ nugem gem my_gem --test-framework=minitest
jekyll Subcommand
The jekyll
subcommand extends the gem
subcommand and creates a new Jekyll plugin with the given NAME:
$ nugem jekyll NAME [OPTIONS]
is the name of the Jekyll plugin gem to be generated.
In addition to the common options, the jekyll
-specific OPTIONS
, --blockn
, --filter
, --hooks
, --tag
, and --tagn
(Warning: only ‑‑block
and ‑‑tag
been properly tested.)
Each of these options causes nugem
to prompt the user for additional input.
The test framework for jekyll
plugins is rspec
All of the above options can be specified more than once, except the ‑‑hooks
For example:
$ nugem jekyll test_tags --tag my_tag1 --tag my_tag2
The above creates a Jekyll plugin called test_tags
which defines Jekyll tags called my_tag1
and my_tag2
You might use these tags in an HTML document like this:
<pre> my_tag1 usage: {% my_tag1 %} my_tag2 usage: {% my_tag2 %} </pre>
For more information, type:
$ nugem help jekyll
rails Subcommand
The rails
subcommand extends the gem
subcommand and creates a new Rails plugin with the given NAME:
$ nugem rails NAME [OPTIONS]
is the name of the Ruby on Rails plugin gem to be generated.
In addition to the common options, rails
and --mountable
You can specify if the plugin should be an engine (--engine
) or a mountable engine (--mountable
Each of these options causes nugem
to prompt the user for additional input.
The test framework for rails
gems is minitest
For more information, type:
$ nugem help rails
Did It Work?
The following shows all files that were committed to the newly created Git repository,
after nugem jekyll
finished making two tag blocks:
$ git ls-tree --name-only --full-tree -r HEAD .envrc .gitignore .rspec .rubocop.yml .simplecov .travis.yml .vscode/extensions.json .vscode/launch.json .vscode/settings.json Gemfile LICENCE.txt Rakefile bin/attach bin/console bin/rake bin/setup demo/Gemfile demo/_bin/debug demo/_config.yml demo/_drafts/2022/2022-05-01-test2.html demo/_includes/block_tag_template_wrapper demo/_layouts/default.html demo/_posts/2022/2022-01-02-redact-test.html demo/assets/css/style.css demo/assets/images/404-error.png demo/assets/images/404-error.webp demo/assets/images/favicon.png demo/assets/images/jekyll.png demo/assets/images/jekyll.webp demo/assets/js/clipboard.min.js demo/assets/js/jquery-3.4.1.min.js demo/blog/blogs.html#by_pub_date demo/blog/index.html demo/index.html jekyll_test.code-workspace jekyll_test.gemspec lib/jekyll_test.rb lib/jekyll_test/version.rb lib/my_block1.rb lib/my_block2.rb spec/jekyll_test_spec.rb spec/spec_helper.rb test/jekyll_test_test.rb test/test_helper.rb
Visual Studio Code Support
Nugem Project
If you have not installed the
Snippets extension,
Visual Studio Code will suggest that you do so the first time you open this project with Visual Studio Code.
You can also review the list of suggested extensions of with the CTRL-P
Extensions: Show Recommended Extensions
The predefined snippets for nugem
are defined in
These snippets are focused on maintaining nugem
File Associations
defines file associations for various flavors of Thor templates in the
You can disable them by commenting some or all of those definitions.
Generated Projects
Similarly, for each gem project generated by nugem
, Visual Studio Code will suggest
the user install missing extensions the first time those projects are opened.
The predefined snippets for gem projects generated by nugem
are defined in
their .vscode/gem.json.code-snippets
These snippets are focused on writing Jekyll plugins.
After checking out the repository, run bin/setup
to install dependencies.
Then, run rake test
to run the tests.
You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run:
$ exec rake install
To release a new version, run:
$ exec rake release
The above will create a Git tag for the version, push Git commits and tags,
and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at