Published 2020-10-22.
Time to read: 3 minutes.
Pipes are the ultimate in functional programming. It is clear when reading code that uses pipes that data is not mutated. Piping data into and out of lambda functions (and regular functions) is a succinct way of elegantly expressing a computation. This article discusses how to do this using similar syntax in Python 3, Scala 2 and Scala 3.
After programming in Scala for more than ten years I have grown to appreciate Scala's implementation of lambda functions, including the ability to use the underscore character as a placeholder for variables. Scala 2.13 introduced pipelining between functions, which is rather like *nix pipes between processes.
Python 3 can also do something similar.
This article demonstrates how to use
JulienPalard’s pipe
with Scala's underscore placeholder for
Python 3 lambda functions.
Python 3 Setup
The key concept is to use this specific Python import:from sspipe import p, px, px as _
All the Python code examples that follow require this import.
The Python code examples are modified versions of the
to illustrate how to use underscores as placeholders.
This import is unusual because it imports px
twice: once as a normal import, and once aliased to _
I use the _
alias to support Scala-like syntax, and I use px
when I need to reference a parameter twice.
Python is unlike Scala in that the Python compiler does not treat variables called _
those variables are merely called _
I could use _
in Python code many times to refer to the same value, but a Scala programmer reading that code
would expect that each reference to _
would be another input parameter, not a regular variable reference.
The examples that follow should make this clear.
Python 3 Installation
using pip
$ pip install --upgrade sspipe
Scala 2.13+ Setup
Scala 2.13 introduced
which adds chaining methods tap
and pipe
to every type.
The key concept is to import the following prior to attempting the code examples below:
implicit class Smokin[A](val a: A) { import scala.util.chaining._ import scala.language.implicitConversions implicit def |>[B](f: (A) => B): B = a.pipe(f) }
Python and Scala Usage Examples
One Lambda Function and 1 Pipe
This Python example employs one lambda function and 1 pipe to add 2 to the number 5:
>>> 5 | _ + 2 7
The Scala equivalent of the above is:
scala> 5 |> ((_: Int) + 2) val res0: Int = 7
Two Lambda Functions and 2 Pipes
This Python example employs two lambda functions and 2 pipes to multiply the previous result by 5 and then add the previous result. Recall that I said that in Python, an underscore when used this way is the name of a normal variable and that the compiler does not treat underscores as placeholders for lambda parameters. A Scala programmer would complain about the following code, because they would expect that the second lambda function would require 2 inputs:
>>> 5 | _ + 2 | _ * 5 + _ 42
A better way to write the above would be to use the special variable px
which was imported above. Now everyone either knows that px
holds the piped value,
or they complain about px
being a magic variable.
A possible solution to this complaint would be to alias px
to a more descriptive name, such as
… which is still magical, but at least it is more descriptive.
>>> 5 | _ + 2 | px * 5 + px 42
scala> 5 |> ((_: Int) + 2) |> ((x: Int) => x * 5 + x) val res1: Int = 42
Two Lambda Functions and 3 Pipes
This Python example employs 2 lambda functions and 3 pipes to add 10 to the even numbers from 0 to 5, exclusive.
>>> ( range(5) | p(filter, _ % 2 == 0) | p(map, _ + 10) | p(list) ) [10, 12, 14]
Scala has a better way of performing this type of computation that does not require pipes or computation. It is better because it is simpler to understand.
scala> for { | x <- (0 until 5).toList if x % 2 == 0 | y = x + 10 | } yield y val res12: List[Int] = List(10, 12, 14)
Other examples of placeholder syntax
expressions (NumPy is Python-specific):
range(10) | np.sin(_)+1 | p(plt.plot)
Pandas expressions (Pandas is Python-specific):
people_df | _.loc[_.age > 10, 'name']
Solution for the 2nd Project Euler exercise:
>>> def fib(): a, b = 0, 1 while True: yield a a, b = b, a + b >>> euler2 = ( fib() | p.where(_ % 2 == 0) | p.take_while(_ < 4000000) | p.add() ) >>> euler2 4613732
Looking Ahead to Scala 3 (Dotty)
The next major version of Scala, due out in a few months, will probably allow a Scala 3 extension method to define the vertical bar as a method for more readabile code:
def [A,B](a: A) |(f: (A) => B): B = a.pipe(f) # Sample usage: val x = 5 | doSomething | doSomethingElse | doSomethingMore
To Learn More
My Introduction to Scala course on teaches Scala lambda functions.