Published 2013-03-18.
Time to read: 1 minutes.
In an earlier article,
I talked about using a bash console to experiment with a Heroku app.
I mentioned that you should not run sbt
Of course, that is exactly what I did,
and I discovered the hard way that the cache can’t be cleared from the Heroku bash shell.
The build cache is held outside the dyno and cannot be accessed from inside a running dyno.
Cleaning the cache is accomplished with a special cache cleaner buildpack. Set the buildpack in your app like this:
heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL= --app myapp
Push your code:
$ git push heroku master
Remove the cache cleaner buildpack:
$ heroku config:remove BUILDPACK_URL --app myapp
Change a file, commit and push again:
$ git push heroku master
All better!