Mike Slinn

Presenting EmpathyWorks at a Private Equity Roundtable

Published 2009-02-22.
Time to read: 1 minutes.

This page is part of the posts collection, categorized under AI, EmpathyWorks.

The private equity round table vSIG is focused on applying virtual worlds to solve pressing business issues. The group meets once a month on Sandhill Road in Palo Alto, CA. Members include software entrepreneurs, VCs, academia and researchers.

2020 Update: the vSIG has morphed into Venture Capital Roundtable Silicon Valley.

This will be part two of two. During the last meeting I introduced the topics of modeling relationships and behavior and presented background concepts.

The main points I made were:

  • Relationships are far more than just directory entries, they are the foundation of expression and provide context for interpreting behavior
  • The ability to recognize another individual is necessary in order to form a relationship with them
  • Personality is perceived, not an absolute or fixed quality
  • Behavior is defined by responses and is contextually dependent
  • Today’s artificial beings suffer from Alzheimer’s
  • It is more useful to model an entire community than a single individual
  • Personas represent an individual in various contexts

I then introduced EmpathyWorks™, a generalized relationship and behavior modeler that I have been working on for a few years.

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