Published 2009-02-22.
Time to read: 1 minutes.
The private equity round table vSIG is focused on applying virtual worlds to solve pressing business issues. The group meets once a month on Sandhill Road in Palo Alto, CA. Members include software entrepreneurs, VCs, academia and researchers.
2020 Update: the vSIG has morphed into Venture Capital Roundtable Silicon Valley.
This will be part two of two. During the last meeting I introduced the topics of modeling relationships and behavior and presented background concepts.
The main points I made were:
- Relationships are far more than just directory entries, they are the foundation of expression and provide context for interpreting behavior
- The ability to recognize another individual is necessary in order to form a relationship with them
- Personality is perceived, not an absolute or fixed quality
- Behavior is defined by responses and is contextually dependent
- Today’s artificial beings suffer from Alzheimer’s
- It is more useful to model an entire community than a single individual
- Personas represent an individual in various contexts
I then introduced EmpathyWorks™, a generalized relationship and behavior modeler that I have been working on for a few years.